About This Game TangramsVR is a casual virtual reality puzzle game designed for Oculus and HTC Vive. Players face puzzles of outlined objective shapes. Players must move the provided blocks to fit inside the objective. The initial release on itch contained 10 puzzles in 3 rooms. Additional content, bug fixes, and game play enhancements have been added since that time. **Requires Oculus Rift with Touch Controllers OR an HTC Vive with controllers to play.** 7aa9394dea Title: TangramsVRGenre: Casual, Early AccessDeveloper:Kristin DragosPublisher:Beazle Bee, LLCRelease Date: 15 Sep, 2017 TangramsVR Download Dlc I like the idea of this game. However, there's several frustrating things about it. First and foremost, the gameplay is very clunky. It seems that nothing snaps into where it should be. I did several puzzles where the shapes were put haphazardly in the general area where it was supposed to be but looked very little like it should and the game indeed took it as a solved puzzle. The VR environments (different rooms), were generic, but since you're focused on the puzzle that really doesn't matter too much in this type of game.And I never found a way to make things look nice (the finished puzzle). I couldn't turn without physically turning as the only options I saw in the conroller was to teleport, grab and see the menu. I would often have trouble grabbing items. The most frustrating part of the game was that sometimes I was just getting a puzzle piece close to the others and it caused the whole thing to collapse. Plus puzzle pieces would fly back to their original placements at the start. I never found the puzzles themselves difficult, just the process of putting them together because of the clunkiness. I wasn't having fun. I have no idea why these puzzles are even put on the floor. Why not on a table so they are easier to grab and put down. And you can grab items at a distance, but I didn't see how to bring them closer to you.So the game is currently on sale for $2.39. It's a very tough call. I think this can be a very nice game. It's just not there yet. Sorry, but I hope to change my review with future updates that improve the gameplay. Rate 4.5\/10
TangramsVR Download Dlc
Updated: Mar 13, 2020